Weekly Update 12/13/2024

Dear Grande South Residents,   Below you will find the weekly update:   Exterior Building Refurbishment Project Update Pro-Tech is working on the exterior building refurbishment, continuing to re-paint...

2017 Assessment Rates

Happy 2017!  As you welcome in the new year, please make sure that if you pay by check or through your bank’s  bill pay system, you update your assessment...

Annual Meeting Announcement

The Annual Meeting of The Grande South at Santa Fe Place Homeowners Association will take place on November 17, 2015 with registration at 5:30 p.m. and CALL TO ORDER...

Tip of the Month

We hope that by now all of you have switched out your rubber laundry machine hoses to stainless steel braided hoses, as mandated in the Rules and Regulations. The...

Tip of the Month

This summer, two non-native species of mosquitos have been found in San Diego. The Asian Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) and the Yellow Fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). Both of these...

Water Update

The Grande South Continues to Conserve! The water bill for service from June 10th through July 10th shows an 18.25% reduction in water use over this period last year....

Landscape Renovation

For the better part of a year, the Landscape Committee, along with the association’s landscaper, Benchmark, have been forming a plan to renovate the center island. In just a...

Tip of the Month

All major appliances require maintenance, and your dishwasher is no exception. You may think that because a dishwasher runs on soap and water, and because you only put dishes...